Bina Hukum Lingkungan (BHL) has 24 reviewers to help check the substance of the article. The peer review process is a crucial step in maintaining the quality and integrity of the articles published in the Bina Hukum Lingkungan. We are committed to ensuring that every submission undergoes a fair, transparent, and rigorous review process.

Review Process Steps
Initial Screening
Each manuscript is initially reviewed by the editorial team to ensure it meets the journal’s scope and formatting requirements.
Manuscripts that do not comply with the guidelines or fail to meet basic quality standards are returned to the authors for revision or rejected.

Plagiarism Check
Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using reliable plagiarism detection software Turnitin or iThenticate.
Only manuscripts with a similarity index below the acceptable threshold proceed to the next stage.

Assignment to Reviewers
The journal employs a double-blind peer review process (double anonymous peer review):
Reviewers do not know the identities of the authors.
Authors do not know the identities of the reviewers.
Manuscripts are assigned to two or more independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field of law.

Review Process
Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on:
Originality and significance of the research.
Clarity and coherence of the arguments.
Methodological rigor.
Relevance to the field of law and alignment with the journal's scope.

Reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendations, which may include:
Accept without revisions.
Minor revisions required.
Major revisions required.

Editorial Decision
Based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the editorial team makes the final decision.
Authors will be notified of the decision, along with the reviewers’ comments

Revision and Resubmission
If revisions are required, authors are expected to resubmit the revised manuscript within the specified timeframe.
Revised manuscripts may be sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation.

Final Acceptance and Publication
Once the manuscript meets all requirements, it is accepted for publication.
Accepted manuscripts are edited for grammar, formatting, and consistency before publication.

Reviewer Selection Criteria
Expertise in the subject area of the manuscript.
No conflicts of interest with the authors or their research.
Availability and commitment to providing a timely review.
All submitted manuscripts and review details are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Reviewers are prohibited from sharing or using any part of the manuscript outside the review process.